THURSDAY, MAY 20th, 2015 7:00-8:30 PM
Wellesley Free Public Library, Wakelin Room
According to experts at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, even when faced with the worst possible news from your doctor, some of your recovery may actually be in your own control.
Health psychologist Dr. Ann Webster was in the midst of a very different, thriving career when a loved one’s illness first brought her into the world of hospital care and the needs of people with a life-threatening diagnosis. It was an experience that changed her life. Come hear Ann Webster’s talk on Mind/Body Medicine and learn more about the upcoming film Everything Matters
In 1987, Dr. Webster joined the staff of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. She serves as Director of the BHI Cancer Program, and on the faculty of Harvard Medical School, and maintains a demanding schedule as an author, lecturer, and teacher in addition to her patient care work. Read more here on Dr. Ann Webster.
According to experts at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, even when faced with the worst possible news from your doctor, some of your recovery may actually be in your own control. But thanks to a few simple, yet powerful techniques, people are not only surviving, but thriving, as they battle cancer. Watch NewsCenter 5’s report
Webster first approached the filmmakers wanting the stories of some of her remarkable patients told. What she never imagined was being in front of the camera herself; her story and tireless commitment to those facing devastating illness form a central element this documentary film.
This lecture is sponsored by The Wellesley Cancer Prevention Project and the Wellesley Free Library and is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.